Choose one of these clients to play:
Valoria OTCV8 11.00 Easy InstallerIncludes a simple autohealer etc.. bonus EXP and various features Shop ingame works but images might missing on some items..
The installer is designed to be straightforward and user-friendly, making it easy to set up and start playing.
Please note: As it’s not digitally signed, Windows may show warnings. You can scroll down for the zip version if you prefer an alternative way to play =).
Download Valoria Global Client Installer 11.00
Version 11.00
Zip files below! of client 11.00 (otclient) and Original Cipsoft 1340) Note Cipsoft does not have auto updater yet)
Download Original Valoria 13.40 Protocol ZIP
Version 13.40
Download Custom Valoria OTCV8 11.00 Protocol ZIP
Version 8.0
Note: If you want to preserve your existing settings (e.g., hotkeys) when installing the clients from the installer, please copy your settings from ur example: C:\Users\PC\AppData\Roaming\OTClientV8 Into ur new C:\Users\PC\AppData\Roaming\OTClientV8\Valoria<-- Folder if u have existing otcv8 files section` (note keep minimap file to grant full automap on otcv8 And here u can download full automap for cipsoft client 1340